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Understanding Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia is a severe infection in the lungs caused by various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When these microorganisms enter the lungs, they cause inflammation, leading to the swelling of lung tissue and accumulation of fluid or pus in the alveoli (air sacs), making it difficult for the lungs to […]

Understanding Gestational Diabetes: What Expecting Mothers Need to Know

What Is Gestational Diabetes? Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It happens when your body can’t make enough insulin to handle the extra needs of pregnancy, causing your blood sugar levels to rise. Though it usually goes away after birth, it can cause problems for both you and your baby […]

Understanding Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Parents

Understanding Cerebral Palsy: A Guide for Parents What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of neurological conditions affecting movement, posture, and muscle coordination. It’s caused by damage to the brain during fetal development or early infancy. Types of Cerebral Palsy Spastic: Characterized by muscle stiffness and spasms. Dyskinetic: Involves uncontrolled movements and […]

Beyond the Cycle: How to Manage PMS Symptoms and Improve Your Quality of Life

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) affects a significant number of women, with symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. This condition occurs between ovulation and the start of menstruation and can last until a few days after the period begins. It impacts nearly 48% of women of reproductive age, with about 20% experiencing symptoms severe enough […]

Overview of Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation

Laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation is a permanent form of female sterilization commonly referred to as getting your “tubes tied. ” This technique requires only a few small incisions in the lower abdomen to access and seal both fallopian tubes, effectively preventing sperm from reaching the egg and thereby avoiding pregnancy. This surgery is generally chosen […]

Comprehensive Guide to Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common gynaecological issue that affects many women at different stages of their reproductive lives. It refers to any bleeding from the uterus that is irregular in timing, amount, or duration. Understanding Abnormal Uterine Bleeding AUB involves a range of menstrual irregularities: Causes of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Several factors contribute […]

Understanding Pre-eclampsia: A Guide to Symptoms, Causes, and Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy and anticipation, but it also requires careful attention to potential complications like pre-eclampsia. This condition, affecting about 5-8% of pregnancies globally, can arise in the latter half of gestation and demands vigilant monitoring and management for the health of both mother and baby. What is Pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition marked […]

Laparoscopic hysterectomy: Minimal Invasive Uterus Removal

A minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the uterus. It is often preferred over traditional open hysterectomy due to its smaller incisions and shorter recovery times. Procedure Overview Types of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy Advantages of laparoscopic hysterectomy include smaller incisions (usually three to four), reduced blood loss, faster recovery with less pain, shorter hospital stays […]

Tubectomy (Tubal Ligation): Understanding Your Permanent Birth Control Option! 

Tubectomy, also known as tubal ligation, is a surgical procedure for permanent sterilization in women. It involves blocking or removing the fallopian tubes, the pathways that connect the ovaries to the uterus. This prevents sperm from reaching the egg, making pregnancy impossible.  Who is Tubectomy Right For?  Tubectomy is a permanent birth control option suitable […]

Ovarian Cysts: A Guide for Women 

The ovaries, two small, oval-shaped organs located in a woman’s lower abdomen, play a vital role in the reproductive system by producing eggs and hormones. However, sometimes, fluid-filled sacs called cysts can develop on or within the ovaries. While often harmless, ovarian cysts can cause concern, especially if you are unfamiliar with them.   This guide […]